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Ambitions and aspirations of the second generation of Earthen Vessels Church.

Writer's picture: Khoi DoanKhoi Doan

Updated: May 6, 2021

We have had the opportunity to listen to Ms Ngoc Ha from the first generation at this church speak of our history and Christina Dao Ly one of the young adults’ leaders, and as the director of With A Mission speak of our current mission and where we are now.

I, Khoi-Nguyen Doan, would like to share on behalf of the church, from the perspective of a second generation, Australian born Vietnamese what our future and vision is.

As we have probably heard and expressed countless times recently, that the year 2020 really put into perspective and reality of how unpredictable our world and future is.

We do not want to be arrogant enough to say that the plans we have for our future, will go perfectly, and set in stone.

This is evident in things such as moving location, never in the 40 years here would we have thought we would be here today.

So rather than that, we would like to share a different point of view. We want to bring this back to the core of it all, that is God. We would like to lift our future to God. The God who is the same yesterday today and tomorrow.

We trust in Him, and understand that He is sovereign, and will ultimately work for His glory. This means rejoicing in our new location, and the new opportunities that are around us.

Never have we ever seen so many bubble-tea places in one street, never have we seen so many curious heads walk past our church. We never could have imagined or even planned that our church would today be in Box Hill. However, we trust that God has ultimately brought us here for a reason.

Growing up, the biggest struggle I had and still have is the significant lack of Christian friends. And now we have a chance like no other. I’d love to raise my kids in a community that is influencing others the teachings of Christ rather than being influenced.

When I look out there, Vietnamese or not, I see so much hurt and pain. From mental health to broken families and people chasing a temporary high, there is so much work for the church to do. So many people still don’t know that in this seemingly hopeless world, there is a glimmer of light, there is life.

In saying this, we would just like to clarify that, it is not that we are not without plans for our dreams and hope. But what the past has taught us is that the future belongs to those who put their trust in the Lord.

We don’t know what the future will hold, but that’s fine! This simply means we are required less off our cleverness and strategic thinking but rather more of obedience and trust. In a God that is faithful, that will mould and shape us for His purpose.

So, we would love to invite you all now, friends, family, and pastors from around Australia. We know the last year has been so difficult and hurtful for many of us. In what could have been the most discouraging year we have experienced. But we are reminded that we have a God who is above all of this. We have a God that you can trust. And so, we remind you that you are not alone, we are all parts of one body of Christ.

We invite us to all work together, to join hands with Earthen Vessels Church, and do the Great Commission. To go out together and reach the poor and needy. Until the day every knee will bow and confess that Jesus is Lord.

Outreach ministry's leader - Khoi-Nguyen Doan

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